So what IS a residential locksmith?
Back in Part 1, we talked about the many things that locksmiths are NOT. In Parts 2 and 3, we are going to focus on what a locksmith IS. Locksmiths are YOUR security service specialists. In this article we are going to focus on the residential locksmith.
There is a lot of overlap in what a locksmith can do for you as a residential customer and in what a locksmith can do for you as a commercial customer. We hope that will you read both this Part 2 blog post, as well as our Part 3 post that is still to come, so that you will have a good understanding of what a locksmith DOES do.
In this post, we will focus more on what a locksmith IS for our residential customers.
Keys and Locks:
Whether residential locksmith or commercial locksmith, we are experts with keys and locks. As an illustration, go grab a piece of copy paper. Just humor me for a minute. While you’re there, go ahead and get three sheets. I’ll wait… Okay, hold one sheet in your hand. Feel how thin it is? That is about the tolerance that we have to work with inside a lock. Now put all three sheets together. That is about the amount of change in size that locksmiths deal with when making keys. When we make locks or keys for you, we have to be very specific and exact. We have to be incredibly accurate. There is no room for error when making these devices. This is what we love about our work! We get to work with our hands and be very detailed in the process.
Desk Lock Repair
Door Hardware:
Residential Locksmiths are experts at understanding all of the many different pieces of hardware that affect the use of a door opening. From door hardware (privacy, entry, storeroom, lever, code compliance, etc.), hinges (3.5 in, 4 in, 4.5 in, ball bearing, non-removable pin, standard), door closers (top jamb, parallel arm, regular arm, right hand, right hand reverse, left hand, left hand reverse, hold open, closing speed, etc.), door lights (the windows in the door), and MUCH more. We know how to put the right hardware on the right door to make the opening function in the right way to keep you safe and secure.
Marketplace Products:
Locksmiths are experts at knowing how to take the existing products in the marketplace and use them to accomplish your needs and desires. The marketplace for security products is always changing. Even as a security professional, it can be difficult to know how to properly apply all of the options that are in the marketplace. Your residential locksmith can help you to navigate all of the choices available in order to settle on the best option for you.
Door Problems:
Locksmiths don’t only know about locks. They are also experts at knowing how to diagnose and repair problems with your residential doors. Whether the door is in your home or business, we can diagnose the reason why it does not close or latch, and then we can fix it! We deal with a whole lot more than just the lock, we can make the entire door opening work without a hitch.
Protecting Investments:
Locksmiths can help you learn how to protect your investments. We know how to utilize and service safes to protect your things. Your residential locksmith can guide you through choosing the type of safe that will accomplish the exact things that you are trying to do and can also assist you with digital inventory systems that will benefit you in the event of a loss due to theft or disaster. We can help you develop security best practices that will guide you through both preventing loss and helping to mitigate the impact if losses do occur.
Security cameras
Camera Systems:
Many locksmiths, being security professionals, are also experts at camera systems. Whether the camera system is digital or analog, closed circuit or network based, varifocal or fixed, we can guide you through the massive variety of options that are available to you. We can then expertly install the camera systems to accomplish your goals.
Your residential locksmith knows how to help you with security issues resulting from medical emergencies at end-of-life. This may sound very odd, but have you thought about how emergency personnel are going to get to you in the event of an emergency in the twilight of your days? How are your loved ones going to find the important papers and documents needed, when you find yourself indisposed? We can help you come up with workable options and solutions to these questions.
Full-service repair
I hope that this discussion has helped you to see a little bit more about what a residential locksmith IS and what a residential locksmith does. As you see, we are so much more than just lock and key people. As you move through your life and have a question about how to keep your family, home, or possessions safe and secure, come talk with your locksmith. We are YOUR security professionals.
We are not quite done yet, we still need to talk about how locksmiths can help your business or organization. Stay tuned for Part 3 for more information.
Click here to read What’s a Locksmith got to do with it? Part 1
To find out how Betach LLC can help you with your residential locksmithing needs, CLICK HERE
[…] “What’s a locksmith go to do with it?” In Part 1, we focused on what a locksmith is NOT. In Part 2, we focused on what a locksmith can do for you as a Residential customer. Today, in Part 3, we are […]